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About the PhD Programme

The LEES phd: Law Ethics and Economics of the instutions for sustainable development

An international research community committed to sustainability
The International PhD Programme in Law, Ethics & Economics for Sustainability (LEES) aims at the creation of a worldwide interdisciplinary research community that shares a commitment to the goals of sustainability.
Such a community will be devoted to promote an interdisciplinary, integrated research approach to global concerns, able to foster a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological innovation, the model of economic development and organization, and the consequent institutional change, are all made consistent with future as well as present needs of humankind, granting self-determination, equal treatment and social justice to each of its members, being as well compatible with the preservation of the ecosystem.

A research program
Sustainability requires fundamental changes in the legal, economic policy, and institutional framework. In fact, notwithstanding the wide consensus on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Goals, many powerful governmental and corporate actors disclaim responsibility for their attainment. The enormity of the problem justifies an interdisciplinary research programme on the institutions and the multilevel governance systems for sustainable development, based on the interdisciplinary interaction among law, normative ethics, and the economic analysis of individual, strategic and collective decision-making processes. The principle of Rule of Law already establishes that fundamental rights cannot be fully overridden for economic stability reasons, and stresses the unacceptability of phenomena of discrimination and inequality. But sustainability, and especially the affirmation of responsibility for the prevention of global warming and climate change, still asks for the elaboration of new general normative views of social welfare, fully able to incorporate the inter-generational dimension of human well-being. At the same time, these views should answer the problems and trade-offs of inter-generational and global justice in the distribution among peoples of different nations of the costs and benefits of sustainability. Any solution, however, would be illusory if it does not at the same time consider the problems of infra-generational social justice, in an age of explosive increase of unacceptable inequalities, especially in developed countries.
A new and deeper understanding of the ideas of justice will lead to a wide inquiry, both comparative and de jure condendo, on the institutions for sustainability. This involves, among others aspects, the role of international organizations and public regulation, and poses the basic question whether the separation that shields institutions and organizations operating in the sphere of market relations from the claims of social and distributive justice should not be crossed. Subjects that then come under scrutiny are (for example) the access to the economic exploitation of innovation (intellectual property rights), the distribution to stakeholders of corporate residual control rights and their participation in corporate governance, the limits imposed to property rights by the recognition of stakeholders’ capabilities and positive freedoms, the democratic self-governance of common pool resources (local and global), infrastructures, public services and knowledge all seen as common goods. Sustainability goals (such as the fight against unacceptable inequalities, poverty and environmentally irresponsible practices) and human rights can also be pursued by innovative legal practices, such as strategic litigation aimed at promoting institutional change that has significant impact not only on court’s decisions, but on collective deliberation.
Resort to economic analysis - both the perspective of the theory of choice and behavioral/experimental economics - in the research programme for the institutions of sustainability provides a better understanding of the collective (social and public) choice mechanisms that satisfy not only the requirements of efficiency, but also postulates of justice, and can then be used for designing institutions based on rational acceptance. At the same time, economic analysis permits to predict whether and when equilibria evolve from strategic interaction, which may be understood as the emergence of self-supporting norms that give stability to sustainability institutions. The latter, then, may provide incentives inducing agents to converge to behaviours consistent with sustainability principles. A joint approach of ethics and behavioural economics to the analysis of institutions, however, suggests that impartial deliberative procedures and fair collective agreements may retro-act on the individuals’ motivations, and can in this manner elicit preferences and beliefs that support voluntary adhesion to sustainability principles and may also support responsible behavior.

Interdisciplinary research
Consistently with the idea of a research program on the institutions for sustainability, the PhD programme will integrate different fields of research – Ethics, Law and Economics, but also political theory and political economy, environmental sciences, and social sciences related to sustainability – in a broad philosophical approach. The aim is to break the unnecessary boundaries between related disciplines, reconnecting research with practice, and examining in depth the current capabilities, limitations, strength and weaknesses of each discipline. Ultimately, the goal is to pursue innovative results at the frontiers of research where unsolved problems ask for interdisciplinary approaches and contributions.

Research lines

- Understanding, in the age of global and national inequality, the dimensions and dynamics of inequalities as well as their driving forces
- The impact of environmental issues on international inequalities
- Social rights and social inequalities
- Gender (in) equality
- Age, ethnic, racial and religious discriminations
- Populism VS deliberation and the quest for self-determination
- Democratic process in times of change: deliberation, participation and new technologies
- Federalism and conflicts in multilevel contexts and in pluralist societies
- How to go beyond traditional approaches to welfare policies in order to fight growing inequalities; pre-distribution in place of re-distribution, the role of education and that of distribution of property on wealth, and residual control rights on assets
- Should the Constitutional contract (as understood in constitutional political economy) incorporate principles of justice concerning the distribution of residual control rights in corporate governance?
- The impact of both financial markets and international monetary bodies on the internal margin of manoeuvre and democratic choices of economic management
- Democracy and global inequality: the relationship between counter-democratic ideologies, legal reforms and political/social/economic processes (at the domestic and global levels) and the lasting ramifications of the 2008 economic crisis
- The ethics of tax competition after the 2008 financial crisis: rethinking sovereignty for a sustainable system of international tax relations


- Global Justice in face of growing inequalities in developing and developed countries in respect of technological innovations, control of capital and property rights.
- New perspectives on Justice: an emerging “Sustainable Justice” principle?
- Non-state non-judicial grievance mechanisms: the compatibility of internal complaints processes within businesses with international human rights law
- The right to an effective remedy
- Alternatives determination of disputes and justice
- Addressing the Risks of Inequality of Arms and Power Imbalance
- Environmental Justice
- Inter-generational and intra-generational justice


- Can international law be shaped according the ideal of global justice?
- New methods in the theory of justice; behavioural and experimental justice and their meaning for the realism of justice
- What is the subject matter of justice? Distribution of welfare, resources, capabilities and functioning, autonomy, responsibility or consideration?
- Their measurement as bases for social choice, constitutional and post-Constitutional contracts; the rank of principles such as equality, needs, merits and contribution

- How to overcome the lack of individual incentive in contributing to the implementation of global commitments for sustainable developments? The theories of shared intentions, conjoint action, deliberation, agreements and we thinking
- The (economic psychology) cognitive dimension of joint action: framing and belief formation, reasoning and mutual simulations of minds.
- Multilevel forms of governance for implementing shared responsibility.


- Assuring HRs compliance by the UN, NATO; EU; COE; WTO, WB an d IMF
- Transnational Crimes as Obstacle to Sustainability
- The role of private economic agents (corporations and others) in supporting Sustainable Development.
- The role played by NGOs, non-profit organizations and civil society in the promotion of sustainable developments (social capital creation, networks) and their relations with local economies and multinational corporations
- The institutional and behavioural explanation of NGOs; non-self-interested behaviour as “the future” of law &economics
- Bringing non-state actors under the sway of international law
- Models of stakeholder corporate governance for Socially responsible and Sustainable Corporations and the different models in enhancing reducing income and wealth inequality
- New Forms of Ecological Corporate Governance

- Ecology, Technology and Private Law
- The Economics of International Environmental Agreements in the Quest of Sustainability.
- Implications of behavioural environmental law and economics

- The Erga Omnes States’ obligations in respect of the natural Local and Global Environment
- Fairness, Stability and Weakness of Private Incentives for International Environmental Agreements. How to Ensure their Intra/Inter-Generational Fairness; avoiding the Free-Riding Problem in ex Ante Agreements as Bargaining and Cooperative Game and ex Post Interaction
- Non-Cooperative Games the Nations and Private Economic Agents play separately.
- The Evolution of State Contracts on the Use of Natural Resources signed by the Developing Countries
- Sustainable Oceans
- Climate Change and Sustainability
- Collaborative behaviours & alliancing as efficient tools for enhancing environmental targets

- Democracy in the face of globalization, the role of nation States and international institutions.
- How to go beyond traditional approaches to welfare policies in order to fight growing inequalities; pre-distribution in place of re-distribution, the role of education and that of distribution of property on wealth, and residual control rights on assets.
- The constitutional political economy of sustainable development: Should the constitutional contract incorporate more fairness concerning the distribution of ownership and residual decision rights?
- Accountability and rule of law concerns as indispensable features of democracy and Sustainable Development


- The Commons: the problem of qualification and the different types of commons
- Cultural and Intellectual Commons
- The protection of Knowledge Commons from commodification: the necessity to revisit the current regime of Intellectual Property Rights
- “Common pool resources” and their governance.
- Local and global commons and the problem of multilevel governance (local, national, regional, global).
- Institutional models of self-governance for physical and knowledge infrastructures for the commons.


- Do social norms support sustainable development? Fair and unfair social norms (egalitarian vs discriminatory, responsible vs. unsustainable etc.).
- Community values and practices of sharing
- Sociology of development
- Collective choice and cognitive mechanism activating agreement and conformity to social norms
- Social conflict and sustainable means of dispute resolution
- Game theoretical models of social norms emergence, selection and conformity


- Business and Human Rights
- The role Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and/or Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER) can play in stimulating Sustainable Development
- Stakeholder vs. shareholder models of corporate governance for socially responsible and sustainable corporations. The role of different CG models in enhancing or reducing income and wealth inequality
- Instrumental vs constitutive view of corporate responsibility, the social contract of the firm amongst its stakeholders as a bargaining game and the redefinition of the “social interest” and the objective function
- Is corporate governance part of the social contract and the idea of justice? The contribution to CG and CSR coming from the capability approach
- Mandatory law, soft law and self-regulation through charters, bylaw, code of ethics, and management standards for sustainability
- Classical, evolutionary and behavioural game models for the explanation of the emergence and stability of sustainable collective mental models (frames) of corporate governance.
- The role of Tax Control Framework as outlined by the OECD soft law within Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility, for a sustainable relationship between corporate taxpayers and Tax Administrations towards a fair international tax system.


- The Sustainability of Cyberspace
- The Digital Commons
- Legal issues related to the use of Big Data
- Technological innovations: new rights and their impact on the principle of equality and non-discrimination
- Big Data, Sustainable Development and Human Rights
- Blockchain as tool for Sustainability. Risks and Challenges
- The Smart Contracts
- Robotics and AI: legal, ethical and economic questions
- The emergence of global ‘data economy’ and the incidence on democratic regimes
- For a sustainable taxation of the digitalised economy: targeted or system-wide reform?


- Human rights between universal value and local implementation: a research on the inherent tension of human rights protection
- Towards a sustainable protection of fundamental rights of taxpayers under international tax law and the related international tax litigation
- Strategic Litigation networks’ structure, methodology and effectiveness
- Strategic Litigation in comparative perspective
- Procedural mechanisms of Strategic Litigation
- Socio-legal aspects of Strategic Litigation
- Systematic pattern of cross-referencing
- Impact of Strategic Litigation on the judge: reasoning, dissenting opinions
- Fundamental rights, Sustainable development and Strategic Litigation
- Strategic Litigation and social justice: Public ethics, public reasoning and the justification of strategic litigation objectives
- Strategic choice and Strategic Litigation
- How strategic litigation impact on collective choices mechanisms
- Environmental rights and strategic litigation


Courses and calendar

The course schedule is accessible through this link.

LEES Seminars: 15 November 2024; 18 November 2024

Malleable Choice Bracketing and Pro-social behaviour - 15 November 2024, 10:00 A.M.- 13:00 P.M.
Menusch Khadjavi (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam)
Room: Sala Seminari, Department of Law
Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan
Schedule attached

Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights - 18 November 2024, 14:30 P.M.- 16:30 P.M.
Dr. Raj Anjanikumar Varma and Dr Richa Dwivedi, Law School, Symbiosis International (Deemed University
Room: Sala Seminari, Department of Law
Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan
Schedule attached

Free registration at:

LEES Seminar: Prof. Giovanni Tuzet - 11 October 2024

Mistakes in Contract - 11 October 2024, 10:00 A.M.- 12:30 P.M.
Giovanni Tuzet (Bocconi University)
Room: Sala Seminari, Department of Law
Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan
Schedule attached

Free registration at:

Series of Seminars "Environmental Concerns" - Prof. Richard Drew Marcantonio - June 24-28 2024

Environmental Concerns - Series of Seminars June 24-28 2024
Richard Drew Marcantonio (University of Notre Dame)
For all information regarding dates and times look at the attached schedule
Schedule attached

Free registration at:

LEES Seminar: Prof. Thomas Donaldson - 28 June 2024

Issues of business ethics, stakeholder theory, and democratic corporate governance, in dialogue with Prof. Thomas Donaldson - 28 June 2024, 10:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.
Thomas Donaldson (University of Pennsilvania)
Room: Sala Seminari,
Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan
Schedule attached

Free registration at:


The call is available at the following link:

Deadline: 27 June 2024, 2 PM (CEST)

Applications must include a CV, a research project and two reference letters.

Evaluation of CVs and projects will be at the beginning of July.

Interviews will take place on 18 and 19 July in Milan.

Results will be communicated at the beginning of August.

Activities (in person, in Milan) will start in November 2024.

Students obtaining their degree in October 2024 can participate.

LEES Seminars: 30 May 2024

Climate change as a global collective problem: perspectives from research and social activism - 30 May 2024, 10:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.
Gianluca Grimalda (University of Passau)
Room: Sala Seminari,
Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan

Academia and civic engagement - 30 May 2024, from 2:30 P.M.
Institutional greetings, Luigi Crema; Introduction, Prof. Lorenzo Sacconi; Keynote speaker, Gianluca Grimalda
Room: 420, Via Festa del Perdono 3, Milan
Schedule attached

Free registration at:

LEES Seminars: 22 March 2024; 19 April 2024

Behavioral insights in public policy: an overview and recent developments - 22 March 2024, 10:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.
Marco Faillo (University of Trento)
Room: Sala Seminari,
Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan

Looking for a compass in interdisciplinary research on agriculture law - 19 April 2024, 10:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.
Margherita Brunori (University of Brescia)
Room: Sala Seminari,
Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan

Free registration at:

Useful Documents

Dear all, we would like to inform you that in the "useful documents" section, the guidelines with addresses and administrative procedures to be followed have been uploaded

LEES Seminar - 27 October 2023

Urban regeneration from a social and legal perspective
Paola Chirulli (La Sapienza University) and Giampaolo Nuvolati(University of Milan Bicocca) in discussion
with Eleonora Gregori Ferri

Aula Seminari,
Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan
3 PM - 6 PM

Free registration at:

CALL FOR APPLICATION -- coming soon!

The call will be available in the next weeks at the following link:

Deadline: 26 July 2023, 2 PM (CEST)

Applications must include a CV, a research project and two reference letters.

Evaluation of CVs and projects will be at the beginning of September.

Interviews will take place between 12 and 15 September.

Results will be communicated by 25 September.

Activities (in person, in Milan) will start in October 2023.

Updates conferences and summer schools

FRIBIS Summer School 2023 – Social Contract Lab Experiments
Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies, 11-14 July 2023
Deadline: 23 April 2023


Summer Module Economics and Institutions in Europe
Redesigning the EU economic governance. New threats and opportunities
Trento (Italy), July 10-14th 2023
Deadline: 30 April 2023


Just Transitions and International Law conference
Dundee (Scotland), 7-8 September 2023
Deadline: 2 June 2023


Conferences and Summer Schools

34th Annual Conference of European Business Ethics Network-EBEN & Doctoral Workshop
Poverty, Profit and Ethics in dialogue toward new Business paradigms in different sectors
Rimini (Italy), 24-26 May 2023
Deadline Abstract Submission: 1 Febr. 2023

Law and Economics Courses
Deals: The Legal and Economic Structure of Business Transactions

Study Center Gerzensee (Switzerland), 22-26 May 2023

International Conference
Climate Change Law & Litigation: States’ Obligations under International Law
Lisbon (Portugal), 24 May 2023
Deadline Abstract Submission: 15 March 2023

Colloquio Scientifico sull'impresa sociale
L'impresa sociale per uno sviluppo sostenibile e inclusivo
Perugia (Italy), 9-10 June 2023
Deadline Abstract Submission: 13 March 2023
Call for papers[/url] - Form submission

Law and Economics Courses
Law & Economics of Consumer Contracts and Privacy
Study Center Gerzensee (Switzerland), 2-6 October 2023

ACLPA Legal Ethics Lecture Series
Unethical Environmental Lawyers
Amsterdam, 16 March 2023

Annual Conference SITES 2023
Persistence and Change: the new challenges for economic development
Naples, 14-16 September, 2023
Deadline: 15 March 2023

Institutional Grammar Research Initiative
Virtual Conference. Branching Out: Evolving Application
online, June 5-7th 2023
Deadline: March 1st 2023

Markets and Governments: a Theoretical Appraisal
Rome, June 20-23 2023
Deadline: March 10th 2023

LEES Seminar - 10 February 2023

Do property rights limit or enhance human liberties?
Ugo Pagano (University of Siena) and Lorenzo Sacconi (University of Milan) in discussion
with Eirini Koutsoukou, Jacopo Natali, Sara Lorenzini and Pietro Ghirlanda

Aula Malliani,
Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milan
10 AM - 4 PM

Free registration at:

Full program

Responsible business conduct. The case of the arms sector

Sala Crociera Alta di Giurisprudenza
9 febbraio 2023, 15.00 – 17.30


Gli obblighi di diligenza delle imprese sul rispetto dei diritti umani, come strumento per prevenire, mitigare e porre rimedio alle violazioni nel settore delle armi: il caso italiano

Chiara Amalfitano (Dipartimento di Diritto Pubblico Italiano e Sovranazionale, Università degli Studi di Milano)
Angelica Bonfanti (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Laura Duarte Reyes (European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights - ECCHR)
Beatrice Pesce (Human Rights International Corner - HRIC)
Massimo Audisio (Commissione Diritti Umani – Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano)

Anita Ramasastry (Henry M. Jackson Professor of Law, University of Washington School of Law)
Responsible business conduct. The case of the arms sector

Marco Pertile (Università degli Studi di Trento)
Le norme internazionali sul commercio di armi: quale relazione con la pace, la sicurezza, il diritto umanitario e i diritti umani?
Iotam Lerer (Commissione europea)
Il quadro giuridico europeo in materia di commercio di armi
Marco Fasciglione (CNR-IRISS)
Imprese, diritti umani e industria bellica
Francesca Cancellaro (Studio Legale Gamberini)
Responsabilità penale per l'esportazione di armi italiane nel contesto della guerra in Yemen. Il caso RWM Italia S.p.A.
Chantal Meloni (Università degli Studi di Milano / ECCHR)
Export di armi e crimini di guerra: quali prospettive davanti alla Corte Penale Internazionale?
Moderano: Laura Duarte Reyes (ECCHR); Angelica Bonfanti (Università degli Studi di Milano); Beatrice Pesce (HRIC)

Per partecipare, iscriversi a:

Winter School

The 2022 LEES Winter School on "Sustainable development, inequalities reduction and social justice: institutions and social preferences" will take place in Como from 28 November to 2 December.

More information here.

LEES Doctoral Workshop

The doctoral workshop of our PhD program in Law, Ethics and Economics for Sustainable Development (LEES) at the University of Milan will be held on 24 and 25 October at the Fondazione Feltrinelli, via Pasubio 5, Milan.

There will also be a key lecture by Professor Edward Freeman and a round table discussion.

Full program link

The event is open to the public, but please register by email.

Ranking List

The ranking list with admitted students is online:



Doctoral Board

Programme coordinator: Diana Urania Galetta, Full Professor of Administrative Law, Dipartimento di Diritto Pubblico Italiano e Sovranazionale, Università degli Studi di Milano.

A. Baraggia, Milan ITA, Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law;
A. Bonfanti, Milan ITA, Associate Professor of International Law;
N. Boschiero, Milan ITA, Full Professor of International Law;
B. Cappiello, Milan ITA, Associate Professor of International Law;
G. Carullo, Milan, ITA, Associate Professor of Administrative Law;
E. Chiappero, Pavia ITA, Full Professor of Economic Policy;
L. Cominelli, Milan ITA, Associate Professor of Sociology of Law;
L. Crema, Milan ITA, Associate Professor of International Law;
D.U. Galetta, Milan ITA, Full Professor of Administrative Law;
M. Lorenzini, Milan ITA, Assistant Professor of Economic History;
A. Maltoni, Milan ITA, Full Professor of Administrative Law;
C. Nardocci, Milan ITA, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law;
I. Pellizzone, Milan ITA, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law;
G. Peroni, Milan ITA, Associate Professor of International Law;
C. Ragni, Milan ITA, Full Professor of International Law;
B. Randazzo, Milan ITA, Full Professor of Constitutional Law;
R. Ruffini, Milan ITA, Full Professor of Business Organisation;
L. Sacconi, Milan ITA, Full professor of Economic Policy (coordinator) ;
S. Silingardi, Milan ITA, Assistant Professor of International Law;
S. Valaguzza, Milan ITA, Full Professor of Administrative Law;
S. Baric, Rijeka HRV, Associate Professor, Chair of Constitutional Law;
C. Bicchieri, UPenn USA, Professor of Social Thought and Comparative Ethics; Professor of Philosophy and Psychology; Professor of Legal Studies;
S. Bojanic, Rijeka HRV, Professor and Vice-Dean for International Relations;
S. De Colle, IESEG Lille FRA, Associate Professor of Business Ethics and Strategy;
S.Dothan, University of Copenhagen DEN, Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law;
P. Frances-Gomez, University of Granada SPA, Full Professor of Philosophy;
G. Grimalda, Researcher at Passau University;
S. Hargreveas Heap, King’s College UK, Professor of Political Economy;
M. Khadjavi, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NED, Associate Professor of Economics;
I. Kunda, Rijeka HRV, Full Professor, Chair of European and International Private Law

Scientific Council

Basu Kaushik, Cornell, Professor of Economics and Carl Marks Professor of International Studies
Bicchieri Cristina, Upenn, Professor of Social Thought and Comparative Ethics; Professor of Philosophy and Psychology; Professor of Legal Studies
Blair Margaret, Vanderbilt, Milton R. Underwood Chair in Free Enterprise
Boschiero Nerina, Unimi, Full Professor of International law; Dean of the Faculty of Law
Broome John, Oxford, Emeritus White’s Professor of Moral Philosophy
Deketelaere Kurt, Sustainability College Bruges, Secretary General LERU
Denozza Francesco, Unimi, Emeritus Professor of Commercial law
Donaldson Thomas, Upenn, Wharton College, Professor of Legal Studies & Business Ethics
Frances-Gomez Pedro, Granada, Professor of Moral and Political Philosophy, University of Granada
Freeman Edward, Virginia, Darden school, Professor of Business Administration
Hargreaves Heap Shaun, King's College, Professor of Political Economy
Kunda Ivana, Rijeka, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of International and European Private Law
Leader Sheldon, Essex, Professor, School of Law; Director of the Essex Business and Human Rights Project
Maskarin Ribaric Helga, Rijeka, Full Professor, Vice Dean for Science and Professional Activities at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality management
Masten Scott, Michigan, Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy
Mattei Ugo, Unito; California, Hastings College of the Law, Professor of Civil Law (Unito); Alfred and Hanna Fromm Chair of International and Comparative Law (Hastings)
Pistor Katharina, Columbia, Professor of Comparative Law; Director, Center on Global Legal Transformation
Sorlini Claudia, Unimi, Emeritus Professor of Agriculturar Microbiology
van Calster Geert, Ku Leuven, Full Professor, Faculty of Law; Head of the Department of International and EU law
van Rikswick Marleen, Utrecht University, Professor of European and Dutch Water Law and is director of Utrecht Universty Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law


Lorenzo Sacconi [Coordinatore]
Angelica Bonfanti
Luigi Cominelli
Enrica Chiappero Martinetti
Luigi Crema
Irene Pellizzone
Sara Valaguzza

Tutors for PhD Students

PhD Students XXXIX cycle (2023-2026)

Ludovica D'Apote
Exploring the International Legal Framework for Climate Migrants: Safeguarding Environmental Resources as a Cornerstone for Human Rights Protection

Giacomo Maino
Cooperation in Joint Practices and among stakeholders to achieve Public Health as a Public Good in vulnerable areas

Simeon Benedict Rolla
Collective Responsibility and Agency of Consumers: Theoretical Foundations and models of practical approaches towards Impact on Sustainable Production Measures

Giulia Maria Servida
A reconsideration of existing legal frameworks and proposals for the protection of human rights in the age of neuroscience and neurotechnology

PhD Students XXXVIII cycle (2022-2025)

Emma Baldi
If Business Impacts on Human Rights: Exploring the Legal Meaning of and the Ethical Justifications for Reparations for Corporate Human Rights Violations

Adriana Camarda
Land grabbing: advantages and disadvantages of a common mitigation strategy against climate change

Evelina Marazza
Scientific Research and Sustainable Development

Tamar Navdarashvili
Addressing the human right's abuses of migrant female domestic workers in the EU: yet illusory protection or tangible Prospects in a post-pandemic world

PhD Students XXXVII cycle (2021-2024)

Carlo Carrera

Unforseeability in the law: a fuzzy game-theory approach

Geser Ganbaatar

Identifying common patterns of democratic backsliding. A cross-national comparative analysis

Grazia Greco

The advantages of energy communities and of the co-operative form for an effective democratic governance of renewable energy as commons and related public services, according to the principles of sustainability, environmental and intergenerational justice

Filippo Itolli

Multistakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development. Linking Justice, Democracy and Critique

Eirini Koutsoukou

Reshaping the Right to Health through Corporate Accountability and Human Rights Due Diligence

Jacopo Natali

Patent protection for pharmaceuticals in the post-TRIPS era: what future for access to medicines?

Marta Nicolodi

Sustainable corporate governance: an integrated perspective based on human rights, corporate law & economics and business ethics

Julia Schmalz

Financing with social principles: multilateral development banks and social impact bonds

PhD Students XXXV cycle (2019-2022)

Esteban Arcos
Autonomy as the self-realisation of an environmental identity

Eleonora Ciscato
Ecological Restoration: between law, policy, and governance

Andy Finette
Formalising Bicchieri’s theory of Social Norms, under Uncertainty.

Joanna Hartmann
Strategic Litigation for women’s rights in the area of employment rights.

Costanza Rizzetto
The conservation and promotion of the ‘cultural heritage of mankind’: which obligations under international law?

Ricieri Vidal Marchi
Legal Frameworks fostering Innovation for Sustainability.

PhD Students XXXVI cycle (2020-2023)

Anna Andreyeva
The Protection of Vulnerable Groups Under the Common European Asylum System.

Giulia Botta
Public Procurement & Human Rights: A Challenge and Opportunity for Public and Private Actors to Foster Responsible Business Conduct along the Global Supply Chains

Paolo Gambatesa
‘Double Prejudice’ Constitutional and European: Where is Headed the Integrated Protection of Fundamental Rights?

Pietro Ghirlanda
The Ethics and Economics of Platform Cooperativism

Sara Lorenzini
Governing forests as global commons. From conflict to polycentricity

Maximillian Roch
The Interplay of State and Firm in the Zambian Mining Sector.


How to enrol/ register to a course

At the link below, you will find all the information and the procedure to register for the different courses you will have to take during your first year. Keep it monitored because enrollments are opened throughout the year based on the course period:
The course schedule is accessible through your UniMi Outlook email via the shared calendar LEES

Courses a.y. 2024/25 (40° cycle)

Introduction to Legal Research [Luigi Crema] 4 CFU, IUS/13, 20 hours, starts in November 2024
The course aims at providing the students with the necessary basic knowledge to understand a legal system, its functioning, and to carry out a legal research. At the end of the course students will be able to distinguish between law and advocacy, will know how to interpret the sources of a given legal system, and will be familiar with the most relevant resources and database.

Introduction to Social Science Research and Qualitative Methods [Luigi Cominelli] 4 CFU, IUS/20, 20 hours, starts in November 2024
The course has as objectives: stimulate awareness of the methodological problems and obstacles that scientific research in general and social research in particular must face in the investigation of phenomena; provide a complete overview on the main research methods of social sciences; stimulate a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis and prediction of social phenomena; provide insight into the main qualitative research methods (ethnography, interview, observation); provide insight into some of the methods that best lend themselves to interdisciplinary research (psychological experiments, agent based modelling).

Business, Human Rights and Sustainable Development [Angelica Bonfanti] 3 CFU, IUS/13, 15 hours, starts in December 2024
The course aims at analyzing the relevant international legal framework concerning the regulation of corporate behavior and its impact on human rights protection and sustainable development. The course does not only deal with theoretical legal issues, but also provides specific insights about connected legal issues, such as: tax law, investment protection, public procurement, and the ongoing debate on additional business and human rights treaties and agreements at the international and European level.

Statistics and Econometrics for The Analysis of Growth and Development [Enrica Chiappero] 3 CFU, SECS-P/02, 15 hours, starts in January 2025
Course aimed to provide basic statistics and econometrics tools for measuring growth, inequalities and poverty. Data, sampling, distributions and regressions. Endogeneity and instrumental variables. Challenges in measuring institutions, culture, institutional quality and sustainability. Link between growth, development and inequality: standard and environmental Kuznets curves. The growth-inequality-poverty nexus.

The Environmental, Social and Economic Dimensions of Human Sustainable Development: A Research Agenda [Contract] 3 CFU, SECS-P/02, 15 hours, starts in February 2025
The course is aimed to discussing the key conceptual and methodological issues and the challenges associated to a research agenda on human sustainable development, with special attention to institutions, social (in)equality and empowerment.

Introduction to Game Theory [Virginia Cecchini Manara] 3 CFU, SECS-P/02, 15 hours, starts in February 2025
The course aims at giving an introduction to game theory for PhD students studying social sciences and interested in the game theoretical analysis of institutions. The course will cover theory and exercises about the theory of rational choice (preference relations and utility functions), choice under risk and uncertainty, games in normal form (Nash equilibrium, mixed extensions); games in extensive form (backward induction, sequential equilibrium, subgame perfection); repeated games.

Environmental Law, Public Administration and collaborative behaviours in contracts [Sara Valaguzza], 2 CFU, IUS/10, 10 hours, starts in March 2025
The course aims at analysing how sustainability targets, both environmental and social, can be mainstremed and strenghtened through collaborative contracts. The legal discipline and the implementation of private-public partnership will be discussed as case-studies that can foster collaboration and network alliances.

Theories of Justice [Mario Ricciardi], 3 CFU, IUS/20, 15 hours, starts in April 2025
The origins of public ethics (Rousseau, Helvetius and Beccaria), Bentham's Utilitarianism. Contemporary developments: (the theories of justice of Rawls and Nozick). Justice, scarcity and sustainability.

Comparative Corporate Law: Shareholder Value Vs Stakeholder Approach [Alessandra Stabilini], 3 CFU, IUS/04, 15 hours, starts in May 2025
The course aims at providing students with an essential knowledge of the most important current topics of debate in company law. The course adopts a comparative perspective and tries to give a broad view of the debate with an international reach.

Constitutionalism and Human Rights [Antonia Baraggia & Irene Pellizzone], 2 CFU, IUS/08, 10 hours, starts in May 2025
Through an investigation of the concept of human rights, the course attempts to provide PhD students with the tools for a better understanding of the complexity and controversies that surround their protection in the perspective of inter-generational solidarity justice. The case-law analysis of the main national and regional Courts involved in the topic will allow students to engage in challenges that are nowadays faced towards the path of the goal of Human Rights.

Games, Economic Behavior and Institutions for Sustainability [Lorenzo Sacconi & Virginia Cecchini Manara], 4 CFU, SECS-P/02, 20 hours, starts in June 2025
The course presents recent developments of game theoretical analysis applied to institutions and related to the social contract. It deals with the solution of the equilibrium selection problem as well as the compliance and conformity to norm problems from the perspective of behavioral game theory. Finally, some insights will be given on the governance of the commons.

Courses a.y. 2023/24 (39° cycle)

Introduction to Social Science Research and Qualitative Methods [Luigi Cominelli] 3 CFU, IUS/20, 18 hours, starts in October 2023
The course has as objectives: stimulate awareness of the methodological problems and obstacles that scientific research in general and social research in particular must face in the investigation of phenomena; provide a complete overview on the main research methods of social sciences; stimulate a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis and prediction of social phenomena; provide insight into the main qualitative research methods (ethnography, interview, observation); provide insight into some of the methods that best lend themselves to interdisciplinari research (psychological experiments, agent based modelling)

Introduction to Legal Research [Luigi Crema] 3 CFU, IUS/13, 30 hours, starts in November 2023
The course aims at providing the students with the necessary basic knowledge to understand a legal system, its functioning, and to carry out a legal research. At the end of the course students will be able to distinguish between law and advocacy, will know how to interpret the sources of a given legal system, and will be familiar with the most relevant resources and database.

Business, Human Rights and Sustainable Development [Angelica Bonfanti] 3 CFU, IUS/13, 16 hours, starts in January 2024
The course aims at analyzing the relevant international legal framework concerning the regulation of corporate behavior and its impact on human rights protection and sustainable development. The course does not only deal with theoretical legal issues, but also provides specific insights about connected legal issues, such as: tax law, investment protection, public procurement, and the ongoing debate on additional business and human rights treaties and agreements at the international and European level.

Statistics and Econometrics for The Analysis of Growth and Development [Enrica Chiappero] 3 CFU, SECS-P/02, 16 hours, starts in January 2024
The course aims at giving an introduction to game theory and economic behavior, from basic definitions to more advanced developments in repeated games and behavioral and experimental games. Then, it presents more recent developments of game theoretical analysis applied to institutions and related to the social contract, to the solution of the equilibrium selection problem as well as compliance and conformity to norm problmes from the perspective of behavioural game theory. Finally, some insights will be given on the governance of the commons.

Introduction to Game Theory [Virginia Cecchini Manara] 3 CFU, SECS-P/02, 16 hours, starts in February 2024
The course aims at giving an introduction to game theory for PhD students studying social sciences and interested in the game theoretical analysis of institutions. The course will cover theory and exercises about the theory of rational choice (preference relations and utility functions), choice under risk and uncertainty, games in normal form (Nash equilibrium, mixed extensions); games in extensive form (backward induction, sequential equilibrium, subgame perfection); repeated games.

The Environmental, Social and Economic Dimensions of Human Sustainable Development: A Research Agenda [Nadia Von Jacobi] 3 CFU, SECS-P/02, 16 hours, starts in February 2024
The course is aimed to discussing the key conceptual and methodological issues and the challenges associated to a research agenda on human sustainable development, with special attention to institutions, social (in)equality and empowerment.

Environmental Law, Public Administration and collaborative behaviours in contracts [Sara Valaguzza], 3 CFU, IUS/10, 16 hours, starts in March 2024
The course aims at analysing how sustainability targets, both environmental and social, can be mainstreamed and strenghtened through collaborative contracts. The legal discipline and the implementation of private-public partnership will be discussed as case-studies that can foster collaboration and network alliances.

Comparative Corporate Law: Shareholder Value Vs Stakeholder Approach [Alessandra Stabilini], 3 CFU, IUS/04, 16 hours, starts in April 2024
The course aims at providing students with an essential knowledge of the most important current topics of debate in company law. The course adopts a comparative perspective and tries to give a broad view of the debate with an international reach.

Constitutionalism and Human Rights [Antonia Baraggia & Irene Pellizzone], 2 CFU, IUS/08, 10 hours, starts in May 2024
Through an investigation of the concept of human rights, the course attempts to provide PhD students with the tools for a better understanding of the complexity and controversies that surround their protection in the perspective of inter-generational solidarity justice. The case-law analysis of the main national and regional Courts involved in the topic will allow students to engage in challenges that are nowadays faced towards the path of the goal of Human Rights.

Theories of Justice [Mario Ricciardi], 3 CFU, IUS/20, 16 hours, starts in May 2024
The origins of public ethics (Rousseau, Helvetius and Beccaria), Bentham's Utilitarianism. Contemporary developments: (the theories of justice of Rawls and Nozick). Justice, scarcity and sustainability.

Games, Economic Behavior and Institutions for Sustainability [Lorenzo Sacconi & Virginia Cecchini Manara], 3 CFU, SECS-P/02, 20 hours, starts in June 2024
The course aims at giving an introduction to game theory and economic behavior, from basic definitions to more advanced developments in repeated games and behavioral and experimental games. Then, it presents more recent developments of game theoretical analysis applied to institutions and related to the social contract, to the solution of the equilibrium selection problem as well as compliance and conformity to norm problmes from the perspective of behavioural game theory. Finally, some insights will be given on the governance of the commons.

Courses a.y. 2022/23 (38° cycle)

Introduction to Social Science Research and Qualitative Methods [Luigi Cominelli] 3 CFU, IUS/20, 21 hours, starts in October 2022

Introduction to Legal Research [Luigi Crema] 3 CFU, IUS/13, 21 hours, starts in November 2022

Business, Human Rights and Sustainable Development [Angelica Bonfanti] 3 CFU, IUS/13, 18 hours, starts in December 2022

Environmental Concerns [Richard D. Marcantonio] 3 CFU, SPS/10, 18 hours, starts in December 2022

Introduction to Game Theory [Virginia Cecchini Manara] 3 CFU, SECS-P/02, 15 hours, starts in February 2023

Statistics and Econometrics for The Analysis of Growth and Development [Enrica Chiappero], 3 CFU, SECS-P/02, 15 hours, starts in March 2023

The Environmental, Social and Economic Dimensions of Human Development: A Research Agenda 3 CFU, SECS-P/02, 15 hours, starts in March 2023

Administrative Law Tools for Sustainable Development [Diana Urania Galetta], 2 CFU, IUS/10, 10 hours, starts in March 2023

Comparative Corporate Law: Shareholder Value Vs Stakeholder Approach [Alessandra Stabilini], 3 CFU, IUS/04, 16 hours, starts in April 2023

Constitutionalism and Human Rights [Antonia Baraggia & Irene Pellizzone], 2 CFU, IUS/08, 10 hours, starts in May 2023

Theories of Justice [Mario Ricciardi], 3 CFU, IUS/20, 16 hours, starts in May 2023

Games, Economic Behavior and Institutions for Sustainability [Lorenzo Sacconi & Virginia Cecchini Manara], 3 CFU, SECS-P/02, 18 hours, starts in June 2023

Course a.y. 2021/22 (37°cycle)

(Plan of courses, for the first year 2021/22 of the PhD Programme edition 2020-2023)

1) Introduction to social science research and qualitative methods,
IUS/20, 3 CFU (18 hours)

2) Introduction to legal research,
IUS/13, 3 CFU (21 hours)

3) Statistics and Econometrics for the analysis of growth and development,
SECS-P/02, 3 CFU (15 hours)

4) Theories of Justice,

IUS/20, 3 CFU (16 hours)

5) Games, economic behavior and institutions for sustainability,
SECS-P/02, 5 CFU (30 hours)

6) Human Rights, Justice and Future,
IUS/08 & IUS/21, 2 CFU (10 hours)

7) The environmental, social and economic dimensions of human development: a research agenda,
SECS-P/02, 3 CFU (15 hours)

8) Transportation and Climate Change: land use, transit, e-mobility, and zero-emission vehicles law and policy,
IUS/10, 2 CFU (10 hours)

9) Business, Human Rights and Sustainable Development,
IUS/13, 3 CFU (15 hours)

10) Comparative corporate law: shareholder value vs stakeholder approach,
IUS/04, 3 CFU (16 hours)

Courses a.y 2020/21 (36° cycle)

1) Introduction to social science research and qualitative methods
IUS/20, 3 CFU (18 hours), starts in November, 2020
Responsible: Luigi Cominelli
The course has as objectives: stimulate awareness of the methodological problems and obstacles that scientific research in general and social research in particular must face in the investigation of phenomena; provide a complete overview on the main research methods of social sciences; stimulate a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis and prediction of social phenomena; provide insight into the main qualitative research methods (ethnographic, interview, observation); provide insight into some of the methods that best lend themselves to interdisciplinary research (psychological experiments, agent based modelling).

2) Introduction to legal research
IUS/13, 3 CFU (21 hours), starts in November, 2020
Responsible: Luigi Crema
The course aims at providing the students with the necessary basic knowledge to understand a legal system, its functioning, and to carry out a legal research. At the end of the course students will be able to distinguish between law and advocacy, will know how to interpret the sources of a given legal system, and will be familiar with the most relevant resources and database.

3) Statistics and Econometrics for the analysis of growth and development
SECS-P/02, 3 CFU (15 hours), starts in March, 2021
Responsible: Enrica Chiappero
The module is aimed to provide basic of statistics and econometrics, measuring and tracking inequalities, measuring development from a multidimensional perspective, linkages between growth, development and inequalities, measuring the role of institutions.

4) Theories of Justice
IUS/20, 3 CFU (16 hours), starts in May, 2021
Responsible: Mario Ricciardi
The origins of public ethics (Rousseau, Helvetius and Beccaria), Bentham's Utilitarianism. Contemporary developments: the theories of justice of Rawls and Nozick. Justice, scarcity and sustainability.

5) Games, economic behavior and institutions for sustainability
SECS-P/02, 5 CFU (30 hours), starts in February, 2021
Responsible: Lorenzo Sacconi, Virginia Cecchini Manara
The course aims at giving an introduction to game theory and economic behavior, from basic definitions to more advanced developments in repeated games and behavioral and experimental game with inferences for the study of institutions (part 1), and then it will present (part 2) recent research streams on the game theoretical analysis of institutions related to the idea of social contract understood as a basis for the normative design of institutions, solution of the equilibrium selection problem; and compliance and conformity to norm problems in a perspective of behavioral game theory; perspectives or research will also be given on the governance of the commons as a field of application.

6) Human Rights, Justice and Future
IUS/08 & IUS/21, 2 CFU (10 hours), starts in April, 2021
Responsible: Lorenza Violini, Marilisa D’Amico
Through an investigation of the concept of human rights, the course attempts to provide PhD students with the tools for a better understanding of the complexity and controversies that surround their protection in the perspective of intergenerational solidarity and justice.
The case-law analysis of the main national and regional Courts involved in the topic will allow students to engage in the challenges that are nowadays faced towards the path to the goal of Human Rights protection in a long-term perspective.

7) The environmental, social and economic dimensions of human development: a research agenda
SECS-P/02, 3 CFU (15 hours)
Responsible: Enrica Chiappero, Nadia Von Jacobi
The course aims to discuss the key conceptual and methodological issues and the challenges associated to a research agenda on human sustainable development, with special attention to institutions, social (in)equality and empowerment.

8) Transportation and Climate Change: land use, transit, e-mobility, and zero-emission vehicles law and policy
IUS/10, 2 CFU (10 hours), starts in May, 2021
Responsible: Sara Valaguzza, Ethan Elkind
This course will examine law and policy options to reduce emissions from the transportation sector. It will first identify common sources of these emissions around the world and successful technologies and practices to reduce them. It will then analyze example jurisdictions in the US, EU and East Asia, among other places, to highlight lessons learned for global action.

9) Business, Human Rights and Sustainable Development
IUS/13, 3 CFU (15 hours), starts in June, 2021
Responsible: Angelica Bonfanti
The course aims at analyzing the relevant international legal framework concerning the regulation of corporate behaviour and its impact on human rights protection and sustainable development. To this extent, the course does not only deal with theoretical legal issues, but also provides specific insights about connected legal issues, such as: tax law, investment protection, public procurement, and the ongoing negotiation of a United Nations treaty on business and human rights. The course aims at examining the relevant legal tools, as well as European, international and domestic case law, applying them to the solution of case studies and developing skills of critical analysis.

10) Comparative corporate law: shareholder value vs stakeholder approach
IUS/04, 3 CFU (16 hours), starts in March, 2021
Responsible: Alessandra Stabilini
The course aims at providing students with an essential knowledge of the most important current topics of debate in company law. The course adopts a comparative perspective and tries to give a broad view of the debate with an international reach.

Courses a.y 2019/20 (35° cycle)

1) Introduction to social science research and qualitative methods
IUS/20, 3 CFU (18 hours), starts in February, 2020
Responsible: Luigi Cominelli
The course has as objectives: stimulate awareness of the methodological problems and obstacles that scientific research in general and social research in particular must face in the investigation of phenomena; provide a complete overview on the main research methods of social sciences; stimulate a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis and prediction of social phenomena; provide insight into the main qualitative research methods (ethnographic, interview, observation); provide insight into some of the methods that best lend themselves to interdisciplinary research (psychological experiments, agent based modelling).

2)Introduction to legal research
IUS/13, 3 CFU (21 hours), starts in February, 2020
Responsible: Luigi Crema
The course aims at providing the students with the necessary basic knowledge to understand a legal system, its functioning, and to carry out a legal research. At the end of the course students will be able to distinguish between law and advocacy, will know how to interpret the sources of a given legal system, and will be familiar with the most relevant resources and database.

3) Statistics and Econometrics for the analysis of growth and development
SECS-P/02, 3 CFU (15 hours), starts in May, 2020
Responsible: Enrica Chiappero
The module is aimed to provide basic of statistics and econometrics, measuring and tracking inequalities, measuring development from a multidimensional perspective, linkages between growth, development and inequalities, measuring the role of institutions.

4) Theories of Justice
IUS/20, 3 CFU (16 hours), starts in May, 2020
Responsible: Mario Ricciardi
The origins of public ethics (Rousseau, Helvetius and Beccaria), Bentham's Utilitarianism. Contemporary developments: the theories of justice of Rawls and Nozick. Justice, scarcity and sustainability.

5) Games, economic behavior and institutions for sustainability
SECS-P/02, 5 CFU (30 hours), starts in May, 2020
Responsible: Lorenzo Sacconi & Virginia Cecchini Manara
The course aims at giving an introduction to game theory and economic behavior, from basic definitions to more advanced developments in repeated games and behavioral and experimental game with inferences for the study of institutions (part 1), and then it will present (part 2) recent research streams on the game theoretical analysis of institutions related to the idea of social contract understood as a basis for the normative design of institutions, solution of the equilibrium selection problem; and compliance and conformity to norm problems in a perspective of behavioral game theory; perspectives or research will also be given on the governance of the commons as a field of application.

6) Human Rights, Justice and Future
IUS/08 & IUS/21, 2 CFU (10 hours), starts in May, 2020
Responsible: Lorenza Violini & Marilisa D’Amico
Through an investigation of the concept of human rights, the course attempts to provide PhD students with the tools for a better understanding of the complexity and controversies that surround their protection in the perspective of intergenerational solidarity and justice.
The case-law analysis of the main national and regional Courts involved in the topic will allow students to engage in the challenges that are nowadays faced towards the path to the goal of Human Rights protection in a long-term perspective.

7) The environmental, social and economic dimensions of human development: a research agenda
SECS-P/02, 3 CFU (15 hours), starts in June, 2020
Responsible: Nadia von Jacobi
The course aims to discuss the key conceptual and methodological issues and the challenges associated to a research agenda on human sustainable development, with special attention to institutions, social (in)equality and empowerment.

8) Topics in Environmental Law
IUS/10, 2 CFU (10 hours), starts in June, 2020
Responsible: Ethan Elkind
Title: Transportation and Climate Change: land use, transit, e-mobility, and zero-emission vehicles law and policy. Objectives: This course will examine law and policy options to reduce emissions from the transportation sector. It will first identify common sources of these emissions around the world and successful technologies and practices to reduce them. It will then analyze example jurisdictions in the US, EU and East Asia, among other places, to highlight lessons learned for global action.

9) Business, Human Rights and Sustainable Development
IUS/13, 3 CFU (15 hours), starts in September, 2020
Responsible: Angelica Bonfanti
The course aims at analyzing the relevant international legal framework concerning the regulation of corporate behaviour and its impact on human rights protection and sustainable development. To this extent, the course does not only deal with theoretical legal issues, but also provides specific insights about connected legal issues, such as: tax law, investment protection, public procurement, and the ongoing negotiation of a United Nations treaty on business and human rights. The course aims at examining the relevant legal tools, as well as European, international and domestic case law, applying them to the solution of case studies and developing skills of critical analysis.

10) Comparative corporate law: shareholder value vs stakeholder approach
IUS/04, 3 CFU (16 hours), starts in September, 2020
Responsible: Alessandra Stabilini & Francesco Denozza
The course aims at providing students with an essential knowledge of the most important current topics of debate in company law. The course adopts a comparative perspective and tries to give a broad view of the debate with an international reach.


Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights - Dr. Raj Anjanikumar Varma and Dr Richa Dwivedi, Law School, Symbiosis International (Deemed University) - 18 November 2024

Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights
18 November 2024, 14:30 P.M.- 16:30 P.M.
Dr. Raj Anjanikumar Varma and Dr Richa Dwivedi, Law School, Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Schedule attached

Malleable Choice Bracketing and Pro-social behaviour - Menusch Khadjavi, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam - 15 November 2024

Malleable Choice Bracketing and Pro-social behaviour
15 November 2024, 10 A.M.- 13:00 P.M.
Menusch Khadjavi (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam)
Schedule attached

Mistakes in Contract - Prof. Giovanni Tuzet - 11 October 2024

Mistakes in Contract
11 October 2024, 10:00 A.M.- 12:30 P.M.
Giovanni Tuzet (Bocconi University)
Schedule attached

Series of Seminars "Environmental Concerns" - Prof. Richard Drew Marcantonio - June 24-28 2024

Environmental Concerns - Series of Seminars June 24-28 2024
Richard Drew Marcantonio (University of Notre Dame)
Schedule attached

Issues of business ethics, stakeholder theory, and democratic corporate governance, in dialogue with Prof. Thomas Donaldson - 28 June 2024

Issues of business ethics, stakeholder theory, and democratic corporate governance, in dialogue with Prof. Thomas Donaldson
28 June 2024, 10:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.
Thomas Donaldson (University of Pennsilvania)
Schedule attached

Academia and civic engagement - 30 May 2024 - Afternoon

Academia and civic engagement
Institutional greetings, Luigi Crema; Introduction, Prof. Lorenzo Sacconi; Keynote speaker, Gianluca Grimalda

Schedule attached

Climate change as a global collective problem: perspectives from research and social activism - 30 May 2024 - Morning

Climate change as a global collective problem: perspectives from research and social activism
Gianluca Grimalda (University of Passau)
Schedule attached

Looking for a compass in interdisciplinary research on agriculture law - 19 April 2024

Looking for a compass in interdisciplinary research on agriculture law
Margherita Brunori (University of Brescia)


Behavioral insights in public policy: an overview and recent developments - 22 March 2024

Behavioral insights in public policy: an overview and recent developments
Marco Faillo (University of Trento)


Pros and cons of the US legal system in its quest for social justice - 13 November 2023

Pros and cons of the US legal system in its quest for social justice
Judith Ramseyer (Superior Court Judge, King County, Washington)

Urban regeneration from a social and legal perspective - 27 October 2023

Urban regeneration from a social and legal perspective
Paola Chirulli (La Sapienza University) Giampaolo Nuvolati (Univesity of Milan Bicocca)

Social Contracting, New Ordoliberalism, and their normative implications for Basic Income research and experiments - 28 September 2023

Social Contracting, New Ordoliberalism, and their normative implications for Basic Income research and experiments
Karl Justus Bernhard Neumärker (University of Fribourg)

A business ethics approach to corporate governance and the case of benefit corporations - 28 June 2023

A business ethics approach to corporate governance and the case of benefit corporations
Magalì Fia (University of Bologna)

Workshop on Economic Democracy: The Role of Economic Democracy in Reducing Inequalities, Promoting Human Rights, and Helping Democratize the Workplace - 31 May 2023

Workshop on Economic Democracy: The Role of Economic Democracy in Reducing Inequalities, Promoting Human Rights, and Helping Democratize the Workplace
At Fondazione Feltrinelli, with Sandrine Blanc (INSEEC School of Business and Economics), Elisa Giuliani (University of Pisa), Filippo Belloc (University of Siena), Lorenzo Sacconi
(University of Milan), Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti (University of Pisa), Serenella Rossi (University of Insubria)
and roundtable with Marco De Ponte (ActionAid Italia), Michele Bulgarelli, (Camera del Lavoro di Bologna), Bruna Rossetti (RSU Ducati Motor), Simone Selmi (FIOM-CGIL Bologna), Emanuele Massagli (ADAPT)

Do property rights limit or enhance human liberties and welfare? - 10 February 2023

Do property rights limit or enhance human liberties and welfare?
Ugo Pagano (University of Siena)

Access to justice, right to remedies for the victims of huge human rights’ violations: the state of art - 19 January 2023

Access to justice, right to remedies for the victims of huge human rights’ violations: the state of art
Nerina Boschiero (University of Milan)

Meta's Oversight Board - an Inside View. A Conversation with Prof. P. Carozza - 11 January 2023

Meta's Oversight Board - an Inside View. A Conversation with Prof. P. Carozza
Paolo Carozza (The University of Notre Dame Law School, Member of Meta's Oversight Board)

Ripristino ecologico: sfide e opportunità di policy- 1 December 2023

Ripristino ecologico: sfide e opportunità di policy
Paola Catenaccio(University of Milan, Michela Faccioli (Univeristy of Trento), Francesco Ficetola (University of Milan, Martina Spada (Istituto Oikos), Sara Valaguzza(University of Milan)

Cryptocurrencies, Eurodigital and CBDC: monetary and financial tools for reducing inequalities? - 8 February 2024

Cryptocurrencies, Eurodigital and CBDC: monetary and financial tools for reducing inequalities?
Professor Giulio Peroni (University of Milan)


Partner Universities (Co-tutelle or Exchange Agreement)

Kiel Institute of International Economics, Germany;
King’s College, UK;
University of Belo Horizonte, Brazil;
University of Essex, UK;
University of Galway, Ireland;
University of Gottingen, Germany;
University of Granada, Spain;
University of Michigan, USA;
University of Minas Gerais, Brazil;
University of Pais Vasco, Spain;
University of Pennsylvania, USA;
University of Toulouse, France.